It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but… A client walked into Urban Hardwoods eyeing a $42,000 dining table… It was my first sale at UH. I sold him on the fact that it would fit perfectly in his new home currently being built in Malibu. I modele


 It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but… A client walked into Urban Hardwoods eyeing a $42,000 dining table… It was my first sale at UH. I sold him on the fact that it would fit perfectly in his new home currently being built in Malibu. I modele

It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but… A client walked into Urban Hardwoods eyeing a $42,000 dining table… It was my first sale at UH. I sold him on the fact that it would fit perfectly in his new home currently being built in Malibu. I modeled the 16 foot walnut table in CAD and used the architects plan views to place it in his dining room.

How they got it in through the door I have no idea.
