

APRIL 2013 - JUNE 2014

Whenever I work for a brand, I always bring all of my skills directly to the table. I am a visual designer, and documenting the process enhances my ability to create within the parameters of the business I am working with. I shot and produced this along with hundreds of images to create a marketing package that matches the quality of the furniture at Urban Hardwoods.

Watch Bryan provide us with the “Boss Test” and watch the guys at UH produce a singularly amazing coffee table.

 As a designer’s approach to a sales model, I knew that the better the images, the more effective my sales results. When I take pictures, I am trying to get you close enough to “feel” the details.  I want the light to catch the finish in just the rig

As a designer’s approach to a sales model, I knew that the better the images, the more effective my sales results. When I take pictures, I am trying to get you close enough to “feel” the details. I want the light to catch the finish in just the right way. Video and photography are not seperate skills from my design process, they are all interwoven into one creative approach.
